Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The roundup of Scandinavian references on TV

As an overly proud and egotistical Scandinavian I am always on the lookout for references to my own darling home place on TV. And this year proved to be very sad when it came to referencing or acknowledging Scandinavia on the TV shows I watch.

The roundup is following

Criminal Minds - 0

Castle - 0

NCIS - 1

In episode 10x12 I believe, when they were hunting for Bodnar. They were trying to find a mysterious assassin and it turned out it was actually a Swedish man. I laughed so hard when I discovered that. They managed to reference the bad exchange rate, pronounced the word 'krona' right, got a Scandinavian last name completely right and truthfully, I was a bundle of delight listening to them. It is not often that TV shows opt for a Scandinavian assassin. So I did definitely enjoy that


In episode 4x17, Deeks is in a spa and says he expects Viggo Mortensen to jump out of nowhere and start pummeling him. How on earth did he get that idea into his head? More importantly, how in the world did the writer think of this? Because as I´ve written before in the post "The Viggo Mortensen of it all", he is not known for hiding out in spas and randomly attacking people. Unless this is meant to be some very strange and unorthodox reference to the fact that both Deeks (and the actor himself) and Mortensen are Norwegian-Americans I am not getting it.

And on the case of explaining jokes. I am still trying to figure out the Gesundheit joke from episode 2x08.

In episode 4x02 the happy little Norwegian in me got very delighted when Deeks suggested to Kensi that they should travel together to Norway, the land of his ancestors. So finally it was established that: the character is Norwegian-American who happens to have the least Norwegian name ever. So for future reference: "Dear NCIS:LA people. I am delighted that you have a Norwegian-American character. I say here are never enough Scandinavians on TV. But the next time you decide to have a character with an established Scandinavian ethnicity it does not hurt to have an ethnic last name as well. Because 'Deeks' is very much not a Scandinavian name :)"
And I would really like to see Kensi and Deeks travel to Norway. It'd be interesting to say the least to see them trying to navigate the weather, the cultural oddities and most of all the language.

So NCIS:LA wins the price for having mentioned Scandinavia two times and NCIS is in second place. But those instances did definitely nurture the ego of many Scandinavians. It actually happens regularly here than whenever a Scandinavian country is mentioned in famous films or on TV, people clap and cheer and act delighted. Yes, that is how crazy we are. But I would not have it any other way.

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