Monday, May 6, 2013

Eurovision - Part 1

The next two weeks will be very exciting for me in TV land. First of all the two final episodes of all my favorite series will be airing. But more imporantly, EUROVISION IS FINALLY HERE!! Next week will be a dream come true for a Eurovision fan like me as there will be the two semi-finals and then the all time final. And it's taking place here in Scandinavia, in the lovely country of Sweden. To say we are getting overly excited here in the North would be an understatement.

For those who do not know Eurovision is an annual song contest held here in Europe in which most European nations send in one song and compete to win the competition. The nation that wins each year hosts the competition the following year. This is a very big and exciting venue in which each European country gets to display some of their finest artists and music for all of Europe to see. The competition takes six days on total and is aired over entire Europe. It is a matter of national pride for every nation to send in their best song and make sure it does well. In most European countries there is an in-country song competition to decide which song should be sent to represent the country. This is a very big event and the excitement for it begins in early January and starts building up until the semi-finals and final in May.

Eurovision is a strange animal. In a continent so divided and frustrating as Europe is, it is a wonder we can all come together and enjoy a song contest and lay aside our differences for just a little while (or pretend to at least). A lot of European countries have been at war with each other and there is a great deal of resentment and even hatred between many European nations which makes it tricky to host such a competition. But somehow, every year we manage it to do it.

Every country is desperate to win because not only is it a big honor but it also gives the country an excellent opportunity to introduce itself and its culture the year it hosts. There is also great national pride and patriotism involved in Eurovision. Every person that watches wants his/her country to win or at least do well no matter how good or bad their song is. You are proud of your country and you want it to do well. Also, considering the fact that many European countries are former colonies of other European countries that did not always treat their colonies well, many people want their country to do well to show the former colonists that they can manage without them. It becomes a display of national pride and patriotism. And even if we are able to lay aside our differences for a little while the resentment between countries still comes up.

Eurovision is a spetacle, each year the songs get stranger and the performances get more dramatic and weird. Everyone is always trying to outdo one another. Watching Eurovision is like watching a competition for the strangest performance in the world. Sometimes there are no words for the things that are seen on stage, only shaking of the head.

Eurovision is a massive event but the strange thing is that it is really only popular in Northern-Europe and Eastern Europe. Scandinavian LOVE Eurovision and its a major part of our culture.If you are a Scandinavian, you love Eurovision. It is a cultural event which unites millions of people but still divides us all the same. It shows the unity of Europe but at the same time the glaring differences between countries.

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