Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eurovision Part 3 - The Scandinavian psyche

So Eurovision was last night and surprise, surprise Denmark won! It was a great song and the leader singer was wonderful so she absolutely deserve it. on the other hand, this is the 4th time in ten years that a Scandinavian country has won. Is there perhaps a conspiracy going on?

This is a huge boost to the Scandinavian ego. As I have written earlier, Scandinavians are notorious for our overly large egos and pride in our countries. Scandinavian countries are neither big, much populated nor very powerful. So while our egos are large they are also incredibly sensitive. So for us, Eurovision and winning it is showing off to the world and proving ourselves as something to be reckoned with. We can win Eurovision and host it with aplomb. We. Are. Awesome!

The Scandinavian psyche can be hard to understand, even for those of us that were born here and grew up here. I am personally proud of where I come from, I love my country and feel happy to be able to live here.  I love the culture, the language and the odd little things that make this home. There are so many things that are great about Scandinavia and make it a wonderful place to be in.. But because we are small, at the fringes of Europe geographically and were for the longest time economically disadvantaged as well (my country f.ex. was very poor until the 1950's), we were never a superpower and did not make our voice heard or influence much in history or international matter. We were to busy focusing on trying to survive So now when we are at a better advantage than before we feel that must constantly be proving ourselves all the time, shouting out that we exist and that we matter.

We've developed overly large egos to compensate for the feeling of that we do not matter. It is a funny place to be in for us. Knowing that you come from,what you consider to be a great place, where there is so much going on and is filled with such wonders. And yet you know that in the large scope of things, your country and place which you hold dear does not matter. At the end of the day, it does not influence the world or anything. It is just a place where people live. No more.

That's why Eurovision is so important to us. We get to show off ourselves and shout out to the world:"Look at us! We are cool!" and most importantly: "We are here, we matter, please notice us".

And there is always the lingering question: "Do people really notice us or are we just desperately trying to trick ourselves into thinking that they do?".

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