Thursday, May 23, 2013

Letter to NCIS:LA producers - the implication of your focus on Russia

Dear producers of NCIS:Los Angeles

I really like your show. I look forward to watching it and I grin and laugh while also I also get caught in the action. I enjoy following the roller coaster the characters are on and seeing them evolve and change and how they connect with each other. I love watching old episodes and they always make me laugh. Simply put, your show brings a smile to my face. It really is a good show

But it also frustrates me regularly. There are many ways in which you deal with things which I do not like. Some of it are little things which are of small consequence but others are big matters which I feel you handle inadequately. One particular area in which I feel your handling of things detracts from the show is the way in which you use Russian characters, Russian history and the country's relationship with America.

I have noticed the particular focus you have put on Russia as the source for your story lines and your villains. It seems to me that almost every villain or evil agent from abroad you have on your show is Russian. In my opinion, there are not only far too many villains from that country but they are also vapid characters. Many of them do not even speak with a proper Russian accent. It is never explained why Russian sleeper agents are so many or why they would in particular concentrate on attacking America. Their motivation is never properly explained. There has never been a normal Russian character, they are always portrayed as criminals. This shows, in my opinion, not only a lack of creativity which is sad to see on a show that is at other times bursting with creative energy, but also lack of sensitivity towards Russia and its history.

I am not trying to excuse Russia's actions but what I mean to say is that Russian history is incredibly complicated. It is a country that has a lot to recover from. The actions of Russia throughout history have affected many European countries very badly and the impact is still felt today. The Soviet Union effectively wiped Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia off the map and those countries suffered for years and are currently recuperating. Stalin imprisoned and killed over 20 million people from this area, Finland too The same can be said for Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and for Russia itself. It are those countries that have been affected the worst by Russian history. So to me, knowing this, I get a bitter taste in my mouth when I see that NCIS:Los Angeles seems to thrive on the possibility that Russia would always be trying to attack USA. I am aware of the history of the Cold War and the precarious connection between Russia and America.
However, the cold war was more about threat than anything else. More than 20 million lives weren't lost, people were not sent to prison camp and countries were not wiped off the map. So, the constant focus on Russia wanting to attack America is a simplification of a very difficult and complicated history and does disservice to those that were truly affected by Russia's actions. America was not affected nearly as bad as some European countries were.

Another thing which I would like to point out is the fact that Russia is not only a country with a difficult and complicated history and past but it is also an incredibly culturally diverse and rich country. I am a lover of Russian culture and it never seizes to amaze me how much there is to discover and know and the beauty of it. Russian classical music, ballet, architecture, cuisine and literature are at the forefront of their field. Russia has some of the world's finest culture and heritage and it is a joy to discover. This depth and magnitude of Russia is forgotten and ignored when a series presents a simplistic and narrow view of its people and history.
I'd also like to point out that the largest part of Russian people are, like everyone else, peaceful, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens that work hard and do their best. Presenting such a view on a nation of 150 million people does them no service and is demeaning.

What I would personally like to see is not only a shift in focus but also balance. It it fine to portray Russians as long as it done with care and not always opting for the same stereotype. The strong focus on Russia has diminished the show in my opinion as it is often the sole source of story lines that have all become alike and boring,. In my opinion, shifting the focus and portraying normal Russian characters every once in a while and offering a more positive view of the country is a far more feasible option than refusing to move on and continuing to use Russia as the source for everything,

I am not Russian. I do not know the language and I have never been there. I was however brought up with Russian classical music and it remains close to my heart. I am very interested in the country and culture. I know the history. I am Scandinavian and European that comes from a country that engages in positive communication with Russia. So this does concern me.

Whether you change this or not, I hope you at least give thought to what you are doing and that your viewers notice such things.

Wishing you all the best, with kind regards

Anna - A NCIS:Los Angeles aficionado from Scandinavia

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