Saturday, April 20, 2013

When the news gets it wrong - Fox News, Norway edition

Yesterday I looked up videos from Fox News on youtube on the Utoya terror accident - what a big mistake it was. I wanted to see how they reported on that act of terror compared to the recent events. And boy did Fox News bring it on or what. Some may think that I am being too sensitive and that this happened years ago. But when you see clips like this about a place that you truly love there are no words

Norway is not a democracy because not everyone owns guns
Every Scandinavian country is a democracy! We have strict gun laws to protect our society and guns are not a part of our culture. For us, owing guns is not our civil right. It is people in the military, police, law enforcement, forest rangers that need them. Not the majority of the public. But apparently that is undemocratic. All I am going to say is this - human lives matter infinitely more than the right to own a gun.

Breivik apparently did the act of terror because he was 'conerned' about Muslim fundamentalist

There are no words for this..... It makes me want to it my head against the wall listening

And then Glenn Beck came with this gem which made my blood boil

First of all - likening the camp to Hitler Youth camp is disrespecting the victims terribly. It is making light of terrible events and is victim blaming
Secondly - Germany invaded Norway. I have been where people were mercilessly murdered by the Germans and know the history. They even set up breeding camps in Norway where they put together German men and Norwegian women to breed the ultimate Aryan race. With history like that.... nothing is further off for us than to follow in Hitler's footsteps

The power of media to screw things and represent them badly is amazing. Absolutely stunning.

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