Sunday, April 28, 2013

Shippering - OhMy

Am I a shipper? Yes. I ship several couples or would-be couples on my favorite TV shows.

Castle- Castle and Beckett, Esposito and Lanie = Caskett and Esplanie
NCIS - Tony and Ziva = Tiva
NCIS - Kensi and Deeks, Nell and Eric = Densi, Neric

Five couples in total. I find it to be a fun part of the experience of watching these shows to see how those characters interact  and behave with each other and how their relationships alter and change. It is often the most endearing part of the episode. And seeing those couples interact both makes me laugh and sigh and shake my head with how they behave.

But I do certainly not let the fact that I ship either affect my daily life or result in being mad at the producers when the show does not go my way. This is a very prevalent problem, particularly with Castle. I was speechless two years ago when a romantic scene between Castle and Beckett was ruined and the fans were so unhappy they stormed internet chatboards and Twitter and started insulting the producers to no end. The response amazed me. It is alright to be passionate about a TV show but when that passion drives people to be rude and insulting and behaving like little children throwing a temper tantrum it is not okay.  That is too much.

People never deserve to be insulted for an innocent thing. Never. Insulting other people just because you did not get your way in an insignificant matter is not only incredibly childish but stupid. It amazes me that shippers take the time out of their day to send insulting tweets and throw an online temper tantrum just because their couple isn't together. Or have shipper wars between opposite shippers (like Nallen vs. Neric on NCIS:LA). It is nothing but a time waster. Criticising is a completely different thing and something I firmly believe in. It is what I do often on this blog. But there is a difference between honest criticism and just being plain rude. A big difference.

The whole shipper business seems so silly when it becomes so petty and laughable and I am glad it does not affect me. No matter how the relationships go my own little life carries on. It is TV reality which does not affect my daily life. And it shouldn't affect the life of others. TV is not real, this world is and I intend to live in it fully and not let things like this bother me.

And a fellow NCIS fan recently shared with me two kinds of ships - Gibbs and Abby and Ducky and Gibbs. It made me wince.

It is fine to be a shipper but never to be an idiotic one.

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