Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Europe in media - Icelandic/Swedish edition

I recently wrote about the 'continent syndrome' and four silly fails when it comes to Europe in media. And to my delight I found this video this morning. This incest app has been all over the news lately and I am fearful that some may believe it is meant to be a serious app when in reality it is a fun, nonsensical app for Icelanders. It pokes good natured fun at not only the teeny, tiny size of their population but also their obsession with genetics and family history and the fact that ethnic Icelanders share ancestors because until the middle of the 20th century, the inhabitants were less than 100.000 and today they are a measly 320.000. So it can be said that all Icelanders are related!

This is so very representative and  a completely non-stereotypical image of Icelanders obviously.
I do not watch Jimmy Kimmel but this sketch certainly made me laugh. It is always fun to see people make good natured fun of Scandinavians and the crazy things that go on over here.

And this scene from Conan O'Brien trying to pronounce Jake Gyllenhaal's name right. I can assure that he is way off with the pronunciation :)

But still, it is necessary for us Scandinavians to be reminded off that despite the fact that we consider ourselves to be really cool and suave, we're not. We have some extraordinarily inflated egos when it comes to our nationality and pride in our culture and language. The only people that are allowed to poke fun at Scandinavians are us, ourselves. Heaven forbid anyone else should do it. So videos like this are a good reminder of how silly we really are.

But this gem is Scandinavians making fun of themselves and our languages. As a speaker of Scandinavian languages,  I can vouch for that this video is spot on. This is how we speak. I personally feel that one of the Scandinavian languages I speak (Danish) is the ugliest one on the planet. And it is features in this video.

And this - a personal favorite of mine

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