Friday, November 30, 2012

NCIS:LA spinoff - oh dear

I am not much into spinoff shows, mostly because I just don´t bother watching them but I am partial towards the NCIS spinoff NCIS:LA. And now the newest thing is the fact that they´ll be making a new spinoff of the spinoff NCIS:LA. Except this time it´ll involve a team that travels the country and are forced to live together. I was not too excited about the idea of a spinoff but accepted it might be good. Today I just ran into the description of the characters of this new spinoff and oh dear, words cannot describe my feelings of incredulity and disgust when I read those descriptions.

You can read the descriptions when you click this link

First of all the main character is called Paris - That is just a bad name in every way and for someone that´s a secret agent, even worse. I doubt anyone takes seriously a person called Paris so I am secretly hoping for an awesome middle name like Camille, Cecilia or just Elizabeth for that matter, jut any normal sounding name. And she is described as beng as sexy as she is tough. And apparently she works best alone, so she is the sexy lone wolf?

Why oh why in the world do the producers feel the need to specifically say that she is sexy (as well as smart and tought but that is clearly not important). Do they think no one will watch the show unless the main female character is sexy and drop dead gorgeou. Clearly, normal looking woman are just not the thing today. No, everyone must be sexy!

The character Roy (like the name) that is a retired marine. So I´m guessing it´s the alpha male character in the vein of Hetty Lange. He´s probably a bald guy in his fifties and the resident daddy type of the team.

Danny the forensic specialist that has little talent (except probably for investigating) and is the resident oddball. What does being an oddball mean exactly? Can we except him enjoing classical music and pottery making or just being the typical socially awkward dude. And I am guessin Danny is meant to be like super cute and gorgeous but doesn´t know about it. And apparently he has no skills in driving whatsoever (kind of like Ziva?) .

Clara the brainican, lawyer and military junkie that is also supersexy. And she thinks she´s just the regular tomboy nexy door.


Why on earth are they creating a series where two of the main female characters are meant to be drop dead gorgeous and sexy and it seems to be a big portion of their character.
Are the producers implying that it´s imposible for women to be good in their field and be normal looking?
Is it completely impossible for them to create female characters without objectifying them and calling them sexy at every turn?
 Is it not possible to have a tough but normal looking female character on national television?
Have we really come this short in our fight for equal justice between men and women that females still need to be objectified and lowered to a terrible level where only their looks matter, not their character and where showing as much skin as possible is necessary for their survival?

And the character Kai is the youngsest on the team and and IT nerd that is affectinately desribed as being the little brother everyone loves. Excuse me while I go throw up. And yes, my only adivce when it comes to computers is simply to reboot again and again.

To say I am pessimistic about this series is putting it mildly. I know I will not be watching it. Not ever.

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