Wednesday, June 26, 2013

NCIS:LA - a look on foreign policy

Now, I am a long term clandestine (my favorite word ever!) fan of the NCIS:LA series that feels embarrassed about liking it so much, cannot get enough of watching it but has ended up loathing certain episodes. One of the things that I have come to find interesting on the show is their view on foreign policy. I want to make it absolutely clear that I am more than aware of the fact that this is a show that plays around with reality and that the viewpoints expressed in the show do certainly not express the view of the people behind it. Having said that, I still believe it offers an interesting insight into American foreign policy.

I having an affinity for acquiring strange hobbies and one of the things that interest me randomly is American foreign policy. During the last presidential election, it was the issue I put most focus on researching and forming an opinion on. And today I read an article on NBC news that stated that Obama was busy with trying to rebuild America's reputation within Europe that had been badly impacted by the Iraqi War. It'll take time, I can tell you that much. Also it was losing its credibility as a leading world power.

This got me thinking about NCIS:LA and their affinity for weird foreign policies. One specific episode comes to mind which confused me greatly. It was episode 2x19 which dealt with Venezuela. In the episode Nell stated that a man that was preparing to step forth as a presidential candidate for his country was pro-American which was a rarity. She also went unto explaining that Venezuela had ties with Iran which was very bad apparently.

At that scene my brain was in a muddle and this episode continues to confuse me

For one thing, is being pro-American really a rarity? From what I can tell, the biggest majority of the countries in the world have a pro-American stance. Of course that does not mean that we (speaking as a Scandinavian)  approve of all of America's actions (I know I can think of a few things I do not like) but we are certainly all America's allies and work with the country diplomatically. My own country for example shares a very positive relationship with America and I am assuming that is not a rarity.

Secondly, does Venezuela really have ties to Iran and if it does, does that really pose a threat to America? No South-American country has ever attacked USA in recent decades. And if it is bad that Venezuela has ties with Iran, wouldn't that by definition mean that all countries that have ties to Iran are bad countries and pose a threat? Does a connection to a specific country automatically make another country bad and an enemy?
And then what about Russia? Scandinavian countries all have very positive and respectful communication and ties to Russia and there is mutual friendship between the countries. Would that then make Scandinavian countries bad, even if they also have a good relationship with USA?

At the end of the day, how do we define who is an enemy and who poses a threat? What measures do we use to tell? And what the precise difference between being pro-America and anti-America? Would it make me anti-American that I criticize racial relations and history within the country, the Iraqi War and that I do not agree with their view on foreign policy, drones, gun laws and many other issues. Does it make me pro-American that I consume the culture on a daily basis, know the language, have traveled there and am a big fan of American literature and love researching the history of the country and find it very fascinating?

At the end of the day, where do the lines lie?

NCIS:LA is certainly not a poltical commentary and it should not be. It is entertainment. But it does give cause to think. When, in episode after episode, national security is threatened from countries abroad ranging from Germany and France to Ethiopia, can anyone that is not American really be trusted? Are all other countries just out there to get Americans? Does everyone pose a threat on some level?

It is a hypothetical muddle but I find it interesting. Who is enemy and who is not. How do we define loyalties between countries and who can be trusted?

And since I am the topic of foreign policy and. TV and NCIS:LA loves pulling the crazy European card why not go all out? Why not future Scandinavian enemies (except Norway for obvious reasons)? Or better yet, have a band on European villains that all come from tiny European countries, that have the common goal to prove to America that little countries can hold power as well. I am thinking along the lines of having Malta, Iceland, Faroese Islands, Luxemburg, Lichtenstein, San Marino and all other small European countries unite to create a bigger European power.

You see, the possibilites are endless and everyone is a potential enemy! It is just a matter of being creative.

But could you NCIS:LA folks please have an episode in the future where the agents actually cooperate with foreign intelligence agencies instead of constantly viewing them as threat? Because not everyone is crazy.

About this blog and the authoress

About this blog

"TV matters and me" is a thoughtful, popular and completely grammatically correct blog run by a stunning Scandinavian woman that spends her day pondering deep thoughts, being sexy, acing every thing at University, eating healthily, loving fashion, playing sports and looking fabulous all the time.
That is all a lie

"TV matters and me" is a little corner of the world wide web that belongs to a Scandinavian woman in her twenties that does not have it all figured out. Your archetypal nerd with an obsessive interest in history, culture, chocolate and chips, literature, film and TV, music, writing and language who couldn't care less about fashion. A 20th century girl, trying to figure out live in a 21st century world (still learning how on earth to operate an i-pad) while behaving much like someone from the 19th century. And an English student that hates spelling more than anything, notices language everywhere she goes and spends most of her day in the company of the English language.

This blog does not necessarily deep, penetrating or thoughtful insight into TV culture and the shows Castle, Crimina Minds, NCIS and NCIS:Los Angeles. This blog takes a view on and criticizes the content of the shows and media, never the people involved. It offers a different insight on those shows and media in general covering topics such as characterization, racism, language, culture, feminism, international matters, controversial subjects, how those things are dealt with in the TV world and the opinions of the writer on the subject. And there are regular shallow posts as well and the grammar is never 100% correct.

The aim is to criticize and look at TV shows and media from a different perspective, the relationship between those who consume media and those who create it and how it both affects the world and how the consumer affects the media in turn and how it deals with reality. It also explores the English language in media and the joys and pains of dealing with the language as a non-native speaker and how it continues both to challenge and delight.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Eurovision - Part 4 - American vs. European: The way cultural influences go

One of the unexpected delights I had recently was reading an interesting piece at the Huffington Post from the castle actor Seamus Dever. He is a Eurovision fan and I thought is insight into the contest was interesting. It was fun to read about the contest from the perspective of someone that was introduced to the competition only a few years ago and views it from an American perspective. I am a European and grew up with the competition so Mr. Dever's insight was particularly interesting to me and I have spent some time mulling it over and thinking about it. And I have some thoughts.

Here in Europe (broadly sweeping obviously, but this attitude is prevalent in my own area of Europe) we consider popular culture in a very simple manner when it comes to American culture. We divide popular culture into two categories; American and European. We view European culture as being better and more cultivated than American culture and make fun of American culture all the time. European popular culture is a strange animal and has certain features which make you want to shiver. Such as telenovelas and soap operas, our phenomenally bad pop music (boy band galore) and just all around craziness. It makes one sigh and shake one's head and feel very embarrassed. We make fun of our own culture all the time. But enter someone American making fun of our culture and it all goes south. We get defensive and state that while European culture is strange, it is way better than American.

I gladly acknowledge this attitude is entirely wrong and diminishing but it does exist.

So when I read the line from the article that stated that in the songs of the competition one could clearly hear the influence of American pop music, I bristled a bit. My first thought was sarcastic: "Well yes, quite obviously Europe cannot have it's own, unique pop music culture but is always trying to copy American". And then I shook my head and thought with myself that we have our own specific and unique pop musc culture that has done just fine without American influence. How could that not be obvious? This is a classic case of the Eurocentric idiot I sometimes am and it is not something I am proud of.

Then the article came with the interesting point that while American pop music influence was certainly present  each nation brought their own specific traditions to it and made it their own. And that it very true. I pondered this in work today and the more I thought about it, I realized how true it was. American pop music has definitely influenced Eurovision songs but at the same time, European cultural influences also have a strong presence so onw ends up with an eclectic and exciting mix of two very different things
American and European cultures and influences come together and it is rather fascinating to witness it. I also find it very interesting to see the cultural influence that Eurovision is. The songs from Eurovision have been playing on the radio here endlessly since the competition and it never crossed my mind it wasn't the same in America, Then it hit me, why should it be? Eurovision is a European phenomenon not American so naturally its cultural influence is felt more here. But Eurovision did introduce the incredible awesomeness that is ABBA.

This interplay between two different cultures or rather one versus like 40 different one's is absolutely fascinating to follow and says a lot about today's world and how globalization is affecting us. All in all I thought the article by Mr. Dever was very interesting and it gave me a lot to think about and ponder. And I am happy that other people are discovering the cultural oddity that is Eurovision and I hope it leads to people discovering more of our music because some of the Eurovision music is spetacular.
But I will say, I do no think American pop music will ever be able to reach some of the awesomeness that goes on in Eurovision. There are certain things only Europeans can think of ;)

The raising of the singer and a 'vampire' singing

Or having a turkey represent the country
Or performing in monster costumes
Or the crazy Germans singing
Or having having weird gymnastics performed on stage
Or having it "all" during a performance
Or this 'gem'

I could go on and on. Like the Danish song "Fly on the wings of love" actually has really sensual Danish lyrics but they were made more modest for Eurovision :)

The point is.that American pop music certainly influences a lot but when it comes to crazyness. you can depend on Eurovision and the European nations to deliver :)

And here is the lovely article on Huffington Post

Monday, June 24, 2013

Language Galore - Part 3 - On the subject of accents and English

Another post heavy on the linguistic side :)

I watched the Oscars this year and one part of the ceremony bit me and got on my nerves. That is when Seth Macfarlane made the comment that now there would be someone presenting that they could not understand, like Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem or Salma Hayek so they'd just stare at them because they were so beautiful. And who else entered but the wonderful Mexican actress Salma Hayek.

She spoke perfect and delightful English. The only difference was that she spoke it with an accent. And that is no wonder! It does not take a genius to figure out that someone that does not have English as a native language pretty much always ends up speaking with an accent. Some more than others but it is an inevitable consequence. It annoyed me that it was hinted that the actors could not be understood because they spoke with an accent. It is no wonder when they spend most of their time and have grown up with using a language that  is completely different in pronunciation and has a completely different speech pattern. It felt degrading and carried a sense of superiority in my opinion. The American making fun of the Europeans/Hispanics that speak English with an accent. 

I wanted to shout that:
a) Those actors and generally all actors that are not American but work in Hollywood have had and continue to have a very successful career within their home country and within the area they come from (like within Europe). Europe has a vibrant and thriving film industry.
b)Many actors have the clear advantage of being able to speak two (or more) languages and consequently they are able to not only build a career within their own home but also in America. Many European actors are prominent figures in Hollywood despite not having grown up with English as a native language and coming from a country in which English is not the official language. I however do not see many American actors making it or buildin a career in Europe Just sayin'

Currently Mads Mikkelsen, the incredible Danish actor, is working on the series Hannibal. I do hope people realize he is a famous and well respected actor here with some incredible Danish movies behind him. En kongelige affære is amazing for example. He is an example of someone who is straddling the landscape between two different languages, two different worlds.
Lots os people do it everyday

I am European and Scandinavian. I have all my life spoken a language that sounds very different from English and has a very distinct accent and use of speech. I deal with English every day but on a literary basis more than a spoken one. When I speak English I have an accent. I do not have the heavy accent of my native language but instead a hybrid one that has some American characteristics (for some odd reason) with British and Scandinavian thrown in. However, it is very easy for me to slip into the heavy accent of my native languag and I do so naturally, both for fun and if I use occasional English words in my daily speech I pronounce them with a heavy accent. My spoken English will always be accented. I'll never have the same command of it as a native does and it is okay. If a person has spent their entire life dealing with a specific speech pattern and accent it is hard to change. It influences everything else. 
Of course there are exceptions. For example, the NCIS:LA actress Daniela Ruah had me more than 150% percent completely and utterly fooled with her accent for the longest time. I did not have the slightest inkling she wasn't American but Portuguese until like season 3. That is quite a feat if you ask be able to be so incredibly comfortable with English to the point of fooling pretty much everyone. I know my own accent in English gives me away the instant I start speaking. But that does add to the fun of listening to interviews with her in which she uses Portuguese and people are surprised. Sometimes you just gotta love languages and confusing people. Last year when abroad, me and my friends delighted in freaking people when we switched between English and our native dialect (vastly different from English) in a completely natural way :) 

I will always speak English with an accent as well as Spanish and French but it's alright, it's okay. It simply means that while I love those languages (except French that is) I carry my native language with me wherever I go and I would not have it any other way. English as a language will never feel like home, not when I grapple with it still and it continues to challenge me in all sorts of ways. My native one will always be home. Plus, nothing beats having a hybrid accent and being able to switch between accents and being comfortable listening to all sorts of accents. Having a weird accent tends to give an edge.

My point is that accents are normal and natural. There is no possible way in the universe that everyone will be able to speak English perfectly. It'll never happen and it is important to accept that. It is fine to make gentle fun of languages and accents but one should always remember that they are a part of who people are. When someone speaks with an accent, it does not mean they are stupid or cannot grasp the language properly. It means that the person that spend his/her life dealing with another language, a native language that to that person will mean home, heritage, culture. And that is something to be celebrated. Accents are always beautiful to listen to, explore and discover and play around with.

(And please oh please oh please to anyone who reads this - when you talk to someone foreign in your native language and the person speaks the language fluently but with an accent - do NOT revert into using a slow, dumbed down speech. It really is insulting.
I had an experience like that with a native speaker of English this summer who I was talking with. I referred to a specific thing in perfectly clear English but used a different word that the person I was conversing with was used to (like using the word from one type of English when the person spoke another). And the reply I got was:"I don't know what it's like in X country but where I live...", all said in a very slow and maddeningly clear way, as if I couldn't understand and was stupid. Up until that point I had been communicating in perfectly clear and good English and yes, I got really annoyed. And yes, I do happen to have a major ego problem as an EFL speaker).

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Conspiracy Theory 102 - Deeks and Castle - Two sides of the same coin

Deeks and Castle are two of my most favorite characters ever to enter the TV screen. They are a wonderful blend of humor, drama and realistic nuance which I greatly enjoy. They appear on two different shows running on two different networks but are still very much alike. And today's topic is dedicated to this alarming similarity and is the second installation of my "Conspiracy Theory" series.

So here goes the list of eerie similarities between Castle and Deeks

1)They both have father issues. Deeks grew up with an abusive, alcoholic father he ended up shooting and Castle grew up without a father (literally, he did not even know who he was)

2)They are both in love with a coworker. Caskett and Densi. The difference is that Castle and Beckett are already dating. So, NCIS:LA producers, I am looking at you! Let's get Kensi and Deeks together before we have another Tiva on our hands. The "Moonlighting Curse" does not exist, folks. Castle put their main leads together and the show is still working wonderfully.

3)They both behave very silly at times and have a weird sense of humor. Castle is often portrayed as being like a little boy with his obsession with gadgets and playing around and Deeks has been known to play horrible music to have the car to himself.

4)They have both saved their female coworker whom they are in love with several times and acted very heroically. I am mentioning specifically when Deeks saved Kensi from a bomb in season 2 and when Castle did the same in season 3 with Beckett.

5)Their female coworker freaks out when they are not around and fear for their safety as they are in love with them but dare not admit it. There is this constant tug-o-war going on between them.

6)They both have communication difficulties with their female partner and annoy them very much. The first seasons of Castle where spent on him annoying Beckett and Deeks has been doing the same relentlessly as well. And they are afraid to share their true feelings with the person they are in love with but instead dance a jig around the issue.

Castle has manned up, it is your turn now Deeks!

7)They both have endless stream of girlfriends but are unable to settle down because they are waiting for the one and only coworker to see what is right in front of them. Castle was married three times and regularly had a new lady upon his arm. Deeks seems to have had an endless stream of girlfriends throughout the series without ever settling down.

8)They are both very silly and people do not take them seriously all the time but when the pressure hits they are more than capable of finishing the task and doing their best. Sam does not take Deeks seriously like ever and Captain Gates still doubts Castle. But they are proving themselves bit by bit.

9)They are both very much monolingual. Deeks has this strange obsession with German and has been shown to speak a bit of Spanish but generally he seems to be very monolingual. He didn't even understand Kensi's very simple French. Castle has never been shown speaking another language and truthfully, I doubt he's able to.

10)Despite their flaws,they are both shown to have a strong moral compass and approach their work with integrity and care

11)Deeks is a cop, working with a federal authority. Castle is a writer, working with the police. Each is doing something outside of his work experience.

Deeks and Castle are two wonderful characters in my opinion and I enjoy them both very much. But I am starting to think that the NCIS:LA producers are working closely with the Castle producers on their duos Caskett and Densi. Making sure they both got the right blend of humor and drama, infuriating behavior and chemistry that keeps the viewers coming back.

Because, having 4 characters being that much alike as Kensi, Deeks, Castle and Beckett are is just crazy.

And yes, I do love conspiracy theories :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"The Dubious Awards" 2013 - NCIS:LA edition

I am not leaving on my grand vacation until next week so I'll be popping in a few times over the next few days to share some posts that have been swirling around my brain lately. One of the things I enjoy getting from writing this blog is that it encourages to evaluate culture and how I view it from a new angle. It challenges me and I really like maintaining this blog. I hope people enjoy reading it as well.

The next few posts will in part be dedicated to the little 'dubious' things I  see on my favorite shows which make me sigh. I genuinely like the shows I watch but sometimes they go overboard and feature things which either make absolutely no sense or lose their grounding. And as always, NCIS:LA is my favorite series to pick apart, evaluate and judge. And they are the definite winners of the dubious contest. And here is why:

1) For some odd reason, there is a regular appearance of either a bikini bar or a strip club as a major part of an episode (and even once a pole dancing studio!) on the show. And let us not forget the scene where they had Kensi enter undercover at a call girl agency (a segment I thoroughly hate for many reasons and was a complete disservice to a great character!). It never fails; The male characters enter the place wearing tuxedos, there are plenty of scantily clad women dancing all around (and all with Russian accents) and the agents chat to some seedy villains that have either an illegal operation going on there or this is their meeting place. And of course, there are also regularly young navy males that go to such places to entertain themselves.

I am going to go knock my head against the wall now. Is this really the best place the writers can think off for an undercover operation or as an evil villain hideout? I am not going to elaborate on my feelings and views towards such places (let it suffice to say I am an ardent feminist) but this regular appearance makes me groan. I did enjoy the scene when Kensi ask Deeks what was the difference between a bikini car and a strip club (I had no idea there actually was a difference) but I had to agree with her response of incredulity. And apparently Deeks had spent quite some time in such places. Not to mention this constant objectification of women seems to serve no purpose except "sex up" the show which is has no need for. It stands on strong ground already.

You writers and producers can do better than this!

2)Product placement. Now, NCIS:LA will never be a very smooth show. It operates on embellishment, big things, testosterone and a freaky version of reality. And of the areas in which they are extremely obvious is their product placement. I can think of three examples which are noticably bad:

-Every time they pull out a camera, you always see the sigh "Nicon" very clearly visually. It is almost front and center just so that we can definitely see who sponsors them with the camera
-LL Cool J's music. He is a great actor and I respect the man but I am no lover of his hip hop music (classical musician). I made an very honest attempt to get into his music last December but found out that it did certainly not suit my music taste. "Accidental racist" had me sitting open-mouthed and shaking my head as it was one of the worst songs I have ever heard.  I have since come to the conclusion the song was made intentionally bad to raise awareness of racial issues and I have to say that was a clever ploy because it did certainly get people talking. But aside from that, one can regularly hear his hip hop music being a prominent part of certain scenes.
-The discussion of Cross Fit in season 4. It had me grinding my teeth. Last year I worked in a place where everyone was pretty much obsessed with the sport and it dominated all cafeteria discussions. So the episode where the opening scene began with Kensi and Sam praising the sport gave me an eerie flashback to all those discussions. Rarely, if ever, have I witnessed such incredibly bad production placement on TV. It was so blatantly obvious I have decided to deem it: "The worst production placement ever!".

3)Number of kills. I have already written here about gun culture, how I view violence on TV and how it is treated. So, when you have a series like NCIS:LA which operates to a certain extent on gun violence and deaths, you have people like me sighing/grinding our teeth. It never, ever fails, that in every single bloody episode at least 5 people are killed. Granted, it is always in self-defense but still. One can guarantee that no matter what subject they are dealing with, it'll bring along a major death toll in its way. And the characters hardly ever answer to their actions or are reprimanded for their insane death toll. And why hasn't there been a single mention of angry families of they people they've killed pursuing them demanding justice?  They always enter the scene guns blazing and killing everything in their path. There seems to be the rule "Shoot everyone in our way and to hell with the rest!"

Again, writers and producers, you can do better than this! Look to series like NCIS and Castle that have built up a strong and solid fanbase and are very popular and well crafted without major death toll.

4)Display of violence. Yet again, a major pet peeve of mine which plays into my dislike of the prominent gun violence on their show. Another feature of the NCIS:LA agents is that whenever they arrest a subject or take  someone down they always do it with as much violence and physical harm as possible. They've slammed people into walls, the car, the ground, hit them, attacked them, punched them and what not. And they have also threatened torture and displayed it which is something that should never bedone in my opinion. It never seizes to amaze me how they manage to pack violence into pretty much every scene in which pursuing a subject is involved. The characters seem to resort to violence in everything they do which is terrible and again it undermines the characters they have built.

5)Kensi's seeming inability to handle another female agent/law enforcement/a strong woman entering the scene without going crazy. I think the character of Kensi is great on most levels and it is one the reasons I love watching the show. But it has come to my attention that every single time a strong female enters the scene Kensi pulls back, becomes jealous and resorts to threats, defensive and bitchy behavior. It happened when Ava Espinoza came and they had Kensi threatening her and attacking defensive in every scene. It also happened when Monica entered the scene in season 4 and yet again, Kensi sparred with her. It amazes me she is always displayed as being incapable of handling another female entering the scene that is as strong and capable as she is. It shows genuine insecurity in her which is frustrating to see. Someone like her should be able to handle things like that without feeling threatened or resorting to violence. I am not saying Kensi should be perfect (her imperfections are one of the reasons why I enjoy the character so much) but she should be portrayed as being more mature. She could be shown handling things in  her own way but being insecure as well (without the violence). I've noticed Nell clearly has a much better ability of handling people.

6)Their foreign policy. Everyone is an enemy and anti-American and apparently Europeans have a mad desire to destroy LA. One of these days, I will write about   what it's like for people to travel to America from here. It all begins and ends with A) The cost of flight which is super high B) The terrible logistics of travelling there and C) The terror it is to deal with security at American airports.
It is an experience in itself for us Europeans. Because of the Schengen agreement over here, when travelling within Europe, we only flash our passport at the airport we fly from. In general, when we land at our destination, we just go on our merry way. It's one of the perks that comes with being a European :) So, the security at American airports throws us for a loop. Last time I went to the country I got into a hazzle as I have a very ethnic name that is written in two different ways, one is the Scandinavian one and the other is the International one. Try explaining that to airport authorities as they thought it was very suspicious I had one name on my green card and another one in my passport :)

And sometimes you just gotta love the NCIS:LA logic of things. It has passed through my mind that one of these days they might go for Nordic villains. I am thinking they'd have Icelandic and Faroese villains conspire to do something crazy in L.A. And frankly I would not put it past them to cook up something like that :) Or a conspiracy between all the smaller nations of Europe. The possibilities are endless!

And to conclude

NCIS:LA is a good show but there are also areas they fail in, in my opinion and hence the dubious awards. And since I take it so much apart and criticize it then why do I watch it? I genuinely enjoy the show on many levels, not least because it makes me laugh and smile which is something I look for in a show. I love laughing, smiling and feeling happy and NCIS:LA never seizes to make me grin and laugh. I watch an episode and it makes me happy. And that it something TV shows do not generally manage with people like me. It has on many levels excellent characterization and the story line is often great. And it has brilliant actors that do a wonderful job. Good acting is certainly not always a feature of TV and I appreciate the fact that NCIS:LA always has top-notch acting. Not to mention that there are truly great episodes in between that I can watch over and over again (The Job, Human Traffic, Personal, Kill House, 4x17).

So I will continue watching and picking apart.

And next up for the dubious awards is Criminal Minds!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When characters 'click' for me

As this blog will be taking a summer vacation soon as I'll be abroad for 4 weeks soon and will not access the internet much during that time, both because of internet instability as well as stepping back from media to contemplate what role I want it to play in my life. But I will be returning with a vengeance and ready to continue in August and I am set on continuing my scathing analysis and sharp-eyed observation. So do not stray far!

But today's topic is characterization. One of the main reason I tune into TV is because of the characters. If a show does not have realistic, well-nuanced characters, I do not watch it. I have already written extensively about some characters and what it is I like and do not like about them and how they are portrayed. And what I will cover today are the specific episodes in which characters genuinely 'clicked' for me and I began enjoying them in earnest. The moment when I knew they were good, interesting to watch and follow their journey.

I´ll begin with the NCIS franchise

Ziva- I have always loved Ziva's character and her personality. She is one of the best created characters on TV in my opinion and it continues to astound me how well she is portrayed and represented. The episode in which Ziva 'clicked' for me was "Silver War" (3x04). I loved that episode and it is one of my favorite one's ever of NCIS. Ziva in that episode was exploring her new environment, testing the waters and figuring things out. I genuinely enjoyed watching her and how she was beginning to find her way and who she was as a person. Another Ziva episode which clicked for me and zealed her as the most awesome character on TV was the episode in which she stays in the hospital with a marine that has been potioned and falls in love with him even if he is dying. That episode was very affecting emotionally and it was a great display of who Ziva is as a character and of her vulnerability.

Tony - I used to dislike Tony a lot in the first season and it took some time for him to rub on me. But the episode in which Tony 'clicked' for me was "SWAK". It began with typical Tony behavior but suddenly the character burst forth fully and wasn't just the 'overbearing frat boy' but a genuine character with emotions and flaws and it was a treat to watch him.The performance of Mr. Weatherly was astounding in that episode And since seeing that episode I have come to like Tony a lot. He really is a good character! Another episode in which Tony clicked is 7x19, "Guilty pleasures". I love the humor in the episode (it is one of my favorite ones) but also the underlying exploration of Tony's and Tim's relationship and it was a good display of who Tony is.

Gibbs - I always liked Gibbs a whole lot. He clicked for me in episode 2x01 in which it was great to watch the character reach out to a little girl and get her the help she needed. It was Gibbs at his best, quiet, kind, excellent and dedicated to his job and with some sweet humor in between.

McGee - My favorite TV nerd of all time (aside from Eric Beale and Abby, obviously). McGee was a character I enjoyed straightaway because of his awkwardness but also sincerity and quiet strength. Watching him felt at times like watching a version of myself with all his blundering and clumsiness (which sums up me pretty well). He clicked for me straightaway but my favorite episode where he 'clicked' is episode 3x09 in which he believes he accidentally shot a man. It was a harrowing episode to watch and it was great to see the character react with horror and guilt to what had happened. It made him feel very real and well-nuanced. And it is one of my most favorite episodes to watch.

Abby - She is pure awesomeness that character! I always grin and laugh when she comes on and I love watching her antics and what she comes up with. She feels very genuine and well-nuances as a character and from the beginning she has been incredibly sincere as a character and just very real. She just feels so human and is lovely to watch. She clicked with me straightaway but my favorite Abby episode is 3x20 (or 21) when she is being stalked. The episode freaked me (stalking terrifies me) out when I first saw it and it felt like a little movie, creepy and tragic. I have seen in an interview with the actress Ms. Perette (behind the scenes) that the episode felt therapeutic for her to play and in my opinion it is obvious in the episode. It was just all around a great episode to watch and one of my favorite one's ever to watch.

Ducky and Palmer - These two are the best pair ever and the most adorable and wonderful characters. I grin just seeing them on the screen. They clicked me with straightaway and there is not one specific episode in which they rocked more than in others. They are just awesome all the time!


Kensi - It took me a long time to get a feel for the character and start enjoying her. It wasn't until season 2 that the character really burst forth and I began liking it and it was all uphill after that And Kensi has now emerged as a fascinating and fun character to watch and is at equal level with Ziva. The episode in which the character clicked for me was 2x20 "The Job". It is one of my most favorite episodes ever and I can watch it over and over again. It was one of the first episodes I saw a season 2 and it was wonderful. What I enjoyed so much was seeing the emotional journey it took Kensi on and how she reacted very humanly to it and how it affected her. She felt genuine for the first time in my opinion. Ms. Ruah performed incredibly in that episode. Episode 2x17 is also worth mentioning as a good Kensi episode.

Deeks - My favorite Norwegian-American! I enjoyed Deeks from the moment he stepped unto the scene. He was a real, fun and nuanced character from the beginning and just a bundle of awesomeness, blundering, awfully silly humor and genuine emotions which I instantly liked. He has felt real and genuine from the start and still does and he is well crafted as a character. Deeks clicked for me in episode 2x01 "Human Traffic" in which the emotional journey he was on was a treat to watch and harrowing as well. It is one of those episodes I watch regularly and still gives me shivers because of the subject matter and how the characters handle it. Another Deeks favorite is 2x22, Plan B. Rarely, if ever have I enjoyed so much the complete change of a character and at the same time felt uncomfortable. Max Gentry was the very definition of a creepy male and he creeped me out. Not to mention that it was interesting to see the switch being portrayed and how Deeks dealt with it. Kudos to Mr. Olsen for pulling of that great performance. Episode 2x17 "Personal" is of course great as well and it was nice to get a Deeks focused episode.

Eric - My favorite nerd. He was my first favorite on NCIS:LA and he continues to make me laugh with his antics and strange behavior. And he blunders and is awkward which in turn makes him more realistic. Eric was awesome from the start and still is.

Nell - Another awesome character. I first of all want to kidnap her awesome wardrobe. Secondly, she feels smart and capable without being 'weird' (while she is quirky) and feels very human. She clicked for me in episode 2x07 when she refused to be helped by Sam and Callen and did everything on her own. That was awesome. But an honorary mention goes to episode 4x15 "Kill House". That was a tour de force from beginning to end and an awesome Nell centric episode where it was interesting to see her reaction and how she dealt with things. Nell is all around a great character and a breath of relief from the general types of girls played on TV.

Callen - I liked him in the beginning, then grew very annoyed with him and now I really like him. He took a dip for me in terms of how he was established in season 1 and for some time he felt very thin and vapid. Then season 2 rolled around and Callen epicness finally emerged. He clicked for me in episode 1x24 when he was searchinf for his family. Finally, he stopped being the unfeeling, serious, lone wolf agent and became a real character. I really enjoy Callen now and his subtle sense of humor and he is all around a lovely character.

Sam - It took me a looooonnng time to start enjoying him. He just felt so unrealistic and boring as a character. The perfect NAVY SEAL that could do anything and everything without batting an eyelid. I did so not enjoy watching him at first. But in episode 2x05 "Little Angels" when they portrayed an incident from his past and he pushed for a case involving an incident to that he felt great. Suddenly there was a real character with a history and something to push for and he showed emotion for the first time (in my opinion). It is one of my favorite episodes to watch and it always surprises me how good Sam was in that episode and how realistic he felt. Since then, he has grownon me (not like ringworm!) and I really like him. He is of course embellished  a whole lot but he's really grown as a character and it's been a treat to watch.

Hetty - Like with Sam, it took me a looooonnng time to start liking her. She did not click for me until in season 3 really when I unexpectedly really started enjoying her and what she did. She is a legend, a matriarch and a very mysterious figure (that part tends to annoy me) but she is also funny as hell. There hasn't been one specific episode in which she clicked, rather she simply became more human and a whole lot more enjoyable.

So I'll be off to enjoy summer for all its worth and returning with a vengeance in 6-7 weeks time (might pop in in July). I wish everyone the best of summer!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Conspiracy theory 101 - Densi vs. Caskett

It is no secret that I am a shipper. I ship couples on all my favorite shows except Criminal Minds. It is ne of those little delights that comes along with enjoying a show, watching the journey the characters take and getting caught in it and hoping that one day they will end up together. Castle and NCIS:LA have provided the most fun in this regard.

Castle is pretty much the perfect show for a shipper. 4 seasons were spent on getting those characters together and it was great fun to be involved in that ride and the ups and downs of it. When episode 4x24 finally came and these two started dating, it was awesome. It was a perfect ending to an incredible season. And watching these two functioning as a couple in season 5 has been nothing short of wonderful and I have enjoyed immensely the ride they've been on. And I am very happy they got together and how well the show functions exploring their dynamic and relationship. And there is also Esplanie whom I take equal delight in watching as a couple (or 'booty call partners' as the actress Tamala Jones has termed it).  Jenny and Ryan (interestingly the actors are married in real-life) are equally adorable to watch. Castle is perfect when it comes to couples.

Then there enters into the picture Kensi and Deeks. Otherwise known as two of the most exasperating characters ever to enter the TV screen (aside from Tony and Ziva) that are so clearly meant to be together but dance a wild jig around the issue. It is fun to follow their journey and the twists and turns it takes and how the characters continue to exasperate and frustrate each other and are yet drawn to each other. But unlike Castle, these two have still to yet start dating. There has been some progress throughout the seasons but it seems like this will take a while to happen. I just hope it won't turn into another Tiva.

But what I find interesting is the fact how eerily alike these two couples are to each other. It is pretty much the same story, the same dynamic, the same journey with only minute variations.

1. The first kiss in each case was undercover

2. The male in each case frustrates the heck out of the female for the first episodes and yet, they are drawn to them and it later develops into a symbiotic rlationship where they cannot live without each other.

3. They tease each other endlessly and make fun of each other

4. They both use the same lines. I have heard the line: "You look cute when you're angry" in both shows several times which makes me questions whether the NCIS:LA producers watch Castle to pick up tips on dialogue as the line appeared earlier on Castle. Many times the dialogue between the characters is quite similar which asks the interesting question of where the writers get their sources from.

5. It takes them forever to admit their feelings to each other. Castle has reached that stage but it did dance a jig for a long time. NCIS:LA is still dancing that wild jig although there was some progression in season 4 (sunshine and gun powder anyone, not to mention Kensi making Deeks promise he will not die on the job and the phenomenally strange kiss?)

6. Both men are interested in cryogenics. Castle covered this issue in an episode once and Rick was very interested in it. Deeks has discussed being cryogenically frozen or embalmed with Kensi several times (my favorite conversation between them). That is a very random thing for them to have in common if you ask me!

7. Both female characters are unable to commit to a man and have commitment/abandonment issues. Beckett has been through at least 2 boyfriends and that has never worked out because Castle is always there. Kensi has never been seen being involved in a relationship, had an epically failed relationship with a marine, has mentioned her inability to commit because men always end up leaving her and she has Deeks waiting in the sidelines.

8. Both Kensi and Beckett have a murdered parent. Kensi, a murdered father and Beckett and murdered mother and it each case it hangs over them like a shadow and affect all their decisions. And their partner helps them work through it

9. Deeks and Castle both have father issues in varying degrees which affects them.

10. They have all saved each other's lives several times in difficult and dangerous situations that are too many to count. And they display great trust in each other.

11. A lot of people around them notice that they are romantically interested in each other and yet they never admit to it and pretend it is not true. This is true in the cases of both episodes.

12. They both use nicknames for each other. Beckett has called Castle "Kitten"several times to his chagrin. And Deeks uses a whole host of nicknames for Kensi, the most adorable one in my opinion being "Kensalina" since the name 'lina' is used here in Scandinavia in some places as a diminutive form attached to female names to make them sound more adorable.

13. Kensi and Beckett both have in office female friends, more specifically Nell and Lanie. And they both have female, matriarch bosses; Hetty and Gates. And they are in the team dynamic 1 female for every 3 males. The buildup is starting to sound like a math formula!

14. There is another in-office romance as well. Esplanie and Neric. Both adorable 'couples' and exasperating as well.

This similiarity between the couples and the individuals is too much not to notice. I mean, seriously!!

This eerie similarity has led me to three conspiracy conclusions.

A)This wild jig, exasperating couple is a well known gimmick used on TV
B)The male and female characters are a well known formula as well. I have already scrolled through the many similarities between Beckett and Kensi and I will one day cover the many similarities between Deeks and Castle. Because they really are alike as characters.
C)The NCIS:LA producers either worked with the Castle producers on designing the characters in clandestine meetings or the NCIS:LA producers watched Castle and decided that they dug the dynamic and decided to use it as well.  And that would involve clandestine meetings as well with the Castle folks. As you can tell, I love the word 'clandestine' to bits. The actors may have been involved as well in designing this (it is not like L.A.'s acting world is all that big.....(please note intended sarcasm))

Stay tuned for what I will uncover next in my quest of conspiracy theories relating to TV shows! Because I am a conspiracy theorist lover. And next up is Castle vs. Deeks!

To quote my favorite squintern of all times Hodgins: "What you call being a conspiracy theorist, I call being well informed".

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The "Bro" syndrome just ain't working - NCIS:LA

I have a tendency to notice all sort of weird things and analyze them and NCIS:LA is without  a doubt the show which provides me with most material. And today's topic is dedicated to their very own "Bro syndrome".

It has struck me that every single promotional poster for the series features Callen and Sam. Every single one and I have seen at least 5 different ones and I might add that for some reason Callen and Sam are always either smirking or looking dramatically into the distance (which is so not their style!). The show has five other awesome characters and why have they not been featured? Why isn't there a promo poster featuring the female characters? And the intro to the show has almost only montage of the two of them.for the most part. That is especially obvious in the intro to season 1. They only had a single screenshot of the other one's at the very end. Whether the viewer liked it or not, NCIS:LA was meant to be a "bro" show.

For much of first season, the show was a "bro" cop comedy show, dedicated to the relationship between Sam and Callen. They were at the forefront of every single episode and everything revolved around them. This focus on only the two of them was not only tiring but felt very dry and boring. I enjoy these two characters a lot but I have a very limited patience towards those kind of shows, the type where the focus is only on the males and their humorous, "bro" relationship. It feels vapid and unrealistic and way too male-focused, nothing but testosterone and masculine humor. It made the show that much thinner and tedious to watch and contributed to very weak characterization with the other characters (Kensi, Eric, Hetty to name a few). I genuinely enjoy Sam and Callen as characters but there is only so much of them I can handle. And the two of them together, an entire show dedicated to them was just way too much. It seems that NCIS:LA was aiming to please the male viewers with a hyped-up, steroid, masculine kind of cop-show set in sunny LA. If the show would have continued down that road it would not have lasted.

I genuinely enjoy Sam and Callen as characters and they are a lovely 'pair'. But on a show which features such a strong and vivid array of characters, having the focus only of them limited what the show was capable of achieving as a series and having people respond to it.  Now the focus is much broader and it is great. I enjoy seeing the rest of the characters develop and how they interact. And when the focus is on Callen and Sam, it is genuinely interesting and wonderful to watch. NCIS:LA still functions on a large dose of steroids but the testosterone has lessened and it has made the show that much stronger.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

NCIS:Los Angeles - Imagining Kensi's former boyfriend

After the seriousness of last post this one is extremely shallow and written for my own entertainment :) All thoughts and ideas within this post are my own and are meant to be taken as a light observation and commentary, not as something serious or deep!

It has been implied in spoilers that apparently Kensi's former boyfriend Jack, that was the topic of episode 2x11 "Disorder" will apparently be appearing in season 5 and it's been hinted that he'll be somewhat like Deeks. It'll be interesting to see how this storyline will play out and it is certainly intriguing. However, what got me thinking was the fact that he was meant to be something like Deeks. Except in my mind, he would be like an 'improved' version of Deeks. This is NCIS:LA so naturally they'd have Kensi date someone that was almost like a superhero. Deeks' characteristics and traits would be taken and embellished and made more cool so that when Jack would appear, he'd be the 'cool' version of Deeks.

And without further ado, here is a list of things I believe would make Jack the 'improved' version of Deeks

1. He would be Swedish-American  - Jack Larsen (he'd have an ethnic last name)
There exists a stereotype that apparently all Swedish people are gorgeous and that they are all blond, ivory-skinned, tall and with blue eyes. So naturally Mr. Jack Larsen would be the archetypal "Swede" and look drop-dead gorgeous. Another thing is the fact that Deeks is Norwegian-American. Sweden ruled over Norway for almost five centuries, they have always had much greater military power, been richer (Norway was very poor until the 20th century) and have always been more successful as a country. There is a bitterness between the two countries and they each consider the other nation to be an idiot. So what better thing that to have a Swedish-American man come in to challenge and corner the Norwegian-American and be more cool than him?

2. He will speak Spanish AND German and be a multilingual wonder
Considering the strange obsession Deeks is portrayed to have with German without knowing the language Mr. Jack Larsen would of course speak the language perfectly and have fluent command of it. And he will be able to pull of  a perfect German accent! And the Spanish will be included for good effect. And there might even be  French or Swedish thrown in just for the heck of it.

3. He will look like Fred Jones
Considering how often Deeks has been compared to Shaggy it's self-explanatory that Jack would be like Fred. Fred also has the archetypal look of a Swedish man so it is perfect!

4. He will play at least two instruments and not listen to musicals
It's been established that apparently Deeks plays violin which was something I whopped over because I am a violinist  and he listens to musicals :) So of course Jack will play more instruments than Deeks and I am thinking piano and guitar as those are incredibly romantic instruments. And he will not listen to musicals, rather he will listen to old rock and cool classical music.

5. He will not blunder, make mistakes, have a knack for saying strange things and being made mild fun of
Considering how clumsy and at at times embarrassing Deeks ir portrayed to be, Jack would be the exact opposite. He would be cool, suave, never ever play a janitor, perfectly poised and always well-worded and with deep and insightful comments. And he will get along perfectly with Sam Hanna.

In other words Mr. Jack Larsen would be the perfect man. And I would heatedly be annoyed by his character. Because I like best the characters that are human and realistic and there Deeks is a good example. But I did enjoy a bit thinking what the Mr. Jack Larsen would be like. Since NCIS:LA thrives on embellishment and steroids at times I would certainly not put it past them to produce someone like that.

But please don't! I enjoy Deeks far too much for that.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Language galore - The 'European' culture of subtitles and dubbing - Part 2: We resist English and love our native language

This post is heavy on the linguistic side and more culturally than media related.

One defining characteristic of Europe as a continent is the sheer number of languages that exists here. There are never more than 2-3 countries that share the same official language. Most countries have their own, unique language. European languages are all derived from the same roots so there are very distinct similarities  between certain languages. Spanish and Portuguese are a good example. Both of these languages have their roots in Latin and and their vocabulary and spelling is quite similar. The biggest difference is in pronunciation. I have read my way through a Portuguese language book and I breezed through it as I already had a good ground in Spanish. I actually got annoyed as there was so little challenge involved! However, listening to Portuguese is like listening to Russian in my opinion with the harsh pronunciation and it shares many sounds and the harsh quality with my native language which interested me. In my opinion it is as if French (alphabet) and Spanish (vocabulary) had a child (Portuguese) and it was then raised by a Russian (pronunciation).

This similarity between languages means that knowing one language opens the doors to many others. This makes it easier as one does not have to study a lot of languages to be able to understand many others. This linguistic similarity means that people are both able to understand each other with ease but it also sheds a light on the incredible linguistic variety that exists here. It amazes me that there can exist so many languages that are derived from the same root (there are several sources of European languages) and have some similarities but are also so different from each other. I find it absolutely amazing, the fact that within the continent there is such an incredible array of languages that share so much and yet so little. This is one of the things I love about living here. It is a heritage and trait that needs to be nurtured and kept alive.

But then there enters into the picture the English language which has become a global language. In Europe there are only two countries that have English as their official language, Ireland and Britain. And yet, English is taught in every European country and good command of English has become a necessary trait in today's world. It seems that everything is in English these days. I grew up with the English language all around me and looking back, it amazes me why I did not find it strange before that in a country that does not have English as a native language and very few people are native speakers of the language English was everywhere. 

Why is it that English has overridden everything in today's world; media, culture, academics, science, humanities, cross-cultural communication?
In a continent like Europe that has such an incredible array of languages, why did English become so important? And should it really be so important? Because we have survived fine without it for centuries.

I am a speaker of a minority dialect and words cannot describe how much I love my native language and how much I treasure it. It is a big part of my world and who I am as a person and it is one the priceless treasures God has blessed me with and I am thankful he did. Because with my native language does not only bring a startling array of strange speech sounds (there is a reason for why I laugh when I listen to Portuguese as it is funny to find a language that has similar crazy speech sounds), an amazing vocabulary of funny words, a frighteningly difficult grammar and terrible accent but also culture, heritage, literature, ideas, values and traditions that I treasure. It means the world to me to be able to have that and it is what my native language brings. I would not trade it for anything and am proud to be a speaker of such an amazing language.

I am also proud to be able to speak English and another language fluently and to be able to understand some others. I am proud of the linguistic variety I have access to and what an incredible treasure it is.

This is what English threatens. With English taking over everything it threatens linguistic variety and the existence of minority languages and there is an abundance of them over here. 
This is something that we resist here. We want to protect our languages that mean so much to us and our heritage and the linguistic variety. 

And that is a part of the reason for why we dub things.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Having an active role in what I watch and how I respond to it

When I watch my favorite television shows I respond and react to them. I laugh, curse, tense up ever so slightly, relax, shake my head, smile and  sometimes get teary eyed. Afterwards I ponder what it is that I saw and make sense of it. Sometimes it does not take long but other times it goes through my mind again and again. I find myself analyzing and gathering my thoughts on what it is I see and observe and then I write it here or discuss it with people.

I find it both important and fun to be active in what I choose to watch and how I respond to it. Of course there are times when I am glad to watch TV shows in order to shut off my brain after a long day but generally my mind is always on a roll when I am watching and I am observing, analyzing and thinking. That is why I maintain this blog. It helps me not only view media from a new angle but also challenges me to think about things and the many intricacies of television shows and how they are. I still enjoy them a whole lot but I  find that I gain greater enjoyment from then when I not only watch them to relax but also take in and analyze what it is that I watch from various angles. That is why I tackle a big range of subjects on this blog because I like viewing things from many perspectives and seeing their many facets.

I also criticize regularly on here. If there is one thing I firmly believe in it is the right and duty to criticize in a  constructive, clear and coherent manner what it is that I see on television shows. I like my favorite television shows for many reasons but they also all have things about them which I do not like. Some are small things but other are bigger matters (in my opinion) which I find the need to address and share my opinion about. I always try my best to do it in a respectful and civilized manner but I feel it is something I must do. Not only to share my thoughts but also to show that I care about what it is I watch. I am active in the process of watching it and being a fan of the show. And to show people that media can be viewed as an active consumer of it that does not accept everything at its face value.

Because media gets really boring if it is never analyzed, challenged or criticized.