Monday, July 22, 2013

The stupidity of interviews and the gems in between

I hardly ever watch interviews with the actors from my favorite shows. That does not mean I do not like the show. It is a personal decision and there are several reasons why:

1)Distancing myself from the show - I am a fan of many shows but I have many other delightful and wonderful things which take up my time and I just do not have the energy of keeping up with interviews as well as spoilers.I am to much of a Nerdfighter for that :)

2)Distancing myself from the actors - I will be absolutely clear that I appreciate the work they do and respect them but they are real people that deal with the perils and pitfalls of fame. I am a big believer in the right to privacy so to me, it feels like prying into people's lives (which I have zero business doing) listening to interviews with them. Fame has a strange way of turning real people into unrealistic figures and there is just a lot of ickiness that follows. And to be 100% honest, it feels super weird to listen to the actors and see them and to be honest, very uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable seeing pictures of them (particularly commercials and paparazzi photos or anything personal) as it feels like a break of privacy. I like them as onscreen characters a lot and respect them as actors but that is enough. There is a reason for why I do not read gossip beyond the local newspaper which has pretty much no gossip at all.

3)Distancing myself from Hollywood and show biz - I am no liker of Hollywood, the darker sides of fame (I am a fangirl but at a good level), the shallowness and showman ship that follows. It freaks me out to be honest and goes against many of my personal principles. I will delve into it one day but I will have it suffice now to say that it is one my personal goals to stay as far away from it as possible. Which I do.

4)Interviews are so often dumb - I feel like everytime I dare listen to an interview it feels stupid beyond belief. A few highlights for me have included serious European geography mishaps, whining about youth and old age, the 'OMG someone that can speaks more languages than English' remarks, endless discussions about make-up and style and what not and the endless, incredibly pointless gossip. Basically, nothing real but everything dumbed down and shallow. I was disappointed to realize recently that an interview I saw was actually carefully rehearsed. There was nothing spontaneous or fun in it, it was rehearsed like a play and to be honest, I did not like that.

I am happy as a lark to read interviews with actors but I steer clear of listening to them. So when I do, I sometimes encounter real gems. 3 stand out to me.

A radio interview I listened to with Renée Felice Smith. It was so enjoyable to listen to and it delved into all sorts of interesting background stuff about the show which I really liked. And I had no idea actors actually did such throughough research for their job as she described doing in order for it to be more truthful in their acting. I thought they showed up and delivered their lines. It was 15 minutes of radio delight and as someone that grew up with the radio being constantly on, it was a nice delight.

This interview with Daniela Ruah - It got my attention instantly and has made me think over certain things quite a lot. It felt spontaneous, real and delved into some very interesting questions regarding handling fame, privacy, show business and its underbelly and the ever controversial idea of 'sexy' photoshoots. It got to me straightaway and I have since discussed the contents with a friend and it was interesting to see an inside view of fame. It was so interesting to listen to and I have to hand it out to Ms. Ruah that she did it incredibly well.

And this gem with Jake Gyllenhaal. He is a wonderful actor and his work is consistently good. I have not seen the movie which he talks about in the interview as I was uncomfortable with the level of violence being displayed in the trailer and I do not like to style of such films. However, what floored me was when he spoke about the intensive research he did. 50 rides with LAPD is a lot! And apparently, Mr. Olsen also rode with them when preparing for Deeks. I do wonder if the LAPD has a special officer handling actors that want to tag along! But what I liked most was the intense respect with which he spoke about police officers and the job they do. It was inspiring to see and it felt really genuine.

Click Here!

So among all the trash interviews (the worst price goes to an interview which began with a monologue about the old age of the interviewers versus the interviewees, I signed out when I felt my brain go dead AND I could not hear what they were saying properly which is a problem for me) there are some excellent gems.

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