Sunday, June 2, 2013

Having an active role in what I watch and how I respond to it

When I watch my favorite television shows I respond and react to them. I laugh, curse, tense up ever so slightly, relax, shake my head, smile and  sometimes get teary eyed. Afterwards I ponder what it is that I saw and make sense of it. Sometimes it does not take long but other times it goes through my mind again and again. I find myself analyzing and gathering my thoughts on what it is I see and observe and then I write it here or discuss it with people.

I find it both important and fun to be active in what I choose to watch and how I respond to it. Of course there are times when I am glad to watch TV shows in order to shut off my brain after a long day but generally my mind is always on a roll when I am watching and I am observing, analyzing and thinking. That is why I maintain this blog. It helps me not only view media from a new angle but also challenges me to think about things and the many intricacies of television shows and how they are. I still enjoy them a whole lot but I  find that I gain greater enjoyment from then when I not only watch them to relax but also take in and analyze what it is that I watch from various angles. That is why I tackle a big range of subjects on this blog because I like viewing things from many perspectives and seeing their many facets.

I also criticize regularly on here. If there is one thing I firmly believe in it is the right and duty to criticize in a  constructive, clear and coherent manner what it is that I see on television shows. I like my favorite television shows for many reasons but they also all have things about them which I do not like. Some are small things but other are bigger matters (in my opinion) which I find the need to address and share my opinion about. I always try my best to do it in a respectful and civilized manner but I feel it is something I must do. Not only to share my thoughts but also to show that I care about what it is I watch. I am active in the process of watching it and being a fan of the show. And to show people that media can be viewed as an active consumer of it that does not accept everything at its face value.

Because media gets really boring if it is never analyzed, challenged or criticized.

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